Travelled over to Anglesey for a few days birding last week. The primary aim was to capture a few flight shots of Chough around South Stack. This proved to be a frustrating experience as the weather was ropey when the Choughs were flying. When the weather was fine the Choughs were nowhere in sight! I needed to overexpose by around a full-stop to get some definition on the black birds (both Chough and Raven) against white to grey skies. Doing this increased the ISO to an unacceptable level and by the time the photos were cropped to a suitable size the images were so degraded as to be almost useless.
Travelled over to Red Wharf Bay for a lunchtime pint in the Ship Inn and was pleasantly surprised to find a Snow Bunting feeding along the harbour wall next to the car-park. No such exposure worries with this bird.
Snow Bunting Plectrophenax nivalis Red Wharf Bay, Anglesey 23rd January 2020
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